The Mortal Engines series is a futuristic dystopia, set in a post-apocalyptic world where people live in large cities which travel around consuming one another in a bid to win increasingly scarce resources.
Whilst science fiction isn’t for everyone, these stories work as a parable for modern times and our environmental battle against consumerism. Suitable for teens and adults alike, but probably a bit dark and tricky for most children, the books provide plenty of humour and in-jokes, and lots for any steam-punk lover.
Engaging and with tons of fabulously strong characters, Mortal Engines is a must for anyone who has been enjoying the recent surge in popularity for dystopian young adults’ fiction.
Series list:
Mortal Engines (2001)
Predator’s Gold (2003)
Infernal Devices (2005)
A Darkling Plain (2006)